Environment Performance Index 2024
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Environment Performance Index 2024

Mon 17 Jun, 2024

Context: The Environmental Performance Index (EPI) 2024 is an analysis conducted by researchers at Yale University, US. Estonia has been ranked first while India is ranked 176th, reflecting global challenges in emission reduction and biodiversity conservation.

Important Points

About Environmental Performance Index 

  • The Environmental Performance Index (EPI) is a global ranking system that assesses countries’ environmental health. 
  • The World Economic Forum introduced the Environment Sustainability Index in 2002, and it is updated every two years.
  • The Yale Center for Environmental Law and Policy, in collaboration with the Columbia University Center for International Earth Science Information Network, prepares the EPI. 

Highlights On Environmental Performance Index 2024

  • With a commendable score of 51.9 out of 100, Oman now occupies the 50th position globally, significantly improving from its 149th rank in 2022 among 180 countries.
  • The establishment of new natural reserves through Royal decrees has significantly bolstered Oman’s environmental rating, increasing the number of reserves to about 30 and biodiversity-focused sites to over 25.
  • Despite slight progress in climate change mitigation, India scores poorly in air quality and sanitation.
  • India’s overall ranking is grim but fares slightly better in the Climate Change Index, ranking 133rd with 35 points. 
  • However, India ranks fifth in air quality in South Asia with 6.8 points. 

Significance of  Environmental Performance Index 

Identifying Top Performance Drivers: The EPI helps decision-makers identify the factors behind high environmental performance. 

Key Factors for Sustainability: Analysing EPI data shows that financial resources, good governance, human development, and regulatory quality are crucial for enhancing a country’s sustainability. 

Promoting Sustainable Development: By highlighting these connections, the EPI promotes sustainable development for a more secure and equitable environmental future. 


  • The framework organizes 58 indicators into 11 issue categories and three policy objectives, with weights shown at each level as a percentage of the total score.
  • New Metrics: The EPI 2024 introduces new metrics in response to emerging goals and recent environmental reports. 
  • Emissions Assessment: One notable addition is assessing individual countries’ progress in reducing their greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. 
  • Increased Emission Reductions: The report reveals that more countries are reducing their emissions than previously thought. 
  • Metrics for Habitat Protection: The 2024 EPI has introduced new metrics to measure how well countries protect essential habitats and regulate protected areas. This is in response to the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework’s goal of protecting 30% of land and sea by 2030. 

Important Fact for Exam 

United States of America

  • Capital: Washington, D.C.
  • Currency: US dollar
  • President: Joe Biden
  • Continent: North America

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